Hello there… thank you for your visit

i believe time travel exists…  The photographs make the time travel possible and help us relive the past… At least mentally

My first camera got hold of me when i was 11 and the first Kodak roll i used was a black and white one. Since the black and white rolls were cheaper, i could go back to my mother and ask for a new roll every time a reload was required. For me the black and white creates an ambiguity of time and the moments frozen in black and white ‘age’ slowly… Or never age at all.

The medium of story telling started in stone age from the cave paintings and has evolved to telling stories through moving pictures. Here i share my takes on the films which somehow made an impression on me long after rolling of end credits… Also, i share some still and ‘moving’ photo stories

But… i’m struggling with the writers’ block and hence my blogs posts are irregular. i hope you will pardon me for this

You can write to me what you think about the published stories and the articles
